JANY 805 Police

JANY 805 Police is a special version of our functional M1 seat, the JANY 805. The seat offers a high level of comfort, both with and without a bullet-proof vest, and it also has a hook for the helmet.

•  Height-adjustable headrest with extra cushion.
•  Special back foam with lower-back air support.
•  Wide seat
•  Helmet hook
By using the many setting options of the JANY 805 Police, the seat provides the user with comfortable transport, even for longer periods of time.

JANY 805 Police comes as standard with an adjustable  back,  3-point  safety belt, height-adjustable headrest, removable headrest cushion, special back foam for bullet-proof vests, lower-back air support, a helmet hook and wide seat. The seat can be mounted onto Be-Ge Jany’s flexible Twinplate floor system.

Seats are tested and approved by TÜV and UTAC.


Directive 2007/46/EC for vehicle category M1:
Regulation ECE R14
Regulation ECE R16
Regulation ECE R17
Regulation ECE R21

The JANY 805 Police is available in OEM padding, Vinyl, Leather or special padding provided by the customer.
The seat can be fitted with armrests, Swivel & Slide and magazine net.

Additional information


